Enoch 1:5
Watchers shall fear at the second coming.
Enoch 6-9
The evil deeds of the watchers.
Having sex with women and teaching the secrets of heaven, filling the world with iniquity.
Enoch 10:4-16
The punishment and judgement of the watchers.
Enoch 12-16
Enoch sent to the watchers as a messenger of their doom.
Enoch 54:5-6
Prophecy regarding the punishment of the Watchers.
Enoch 55:4
The Elect One (Christ) shall judge the Watchers.
Enoch 64
Briefly mentioned as part of a vision of Noah.
Enoch 65:5
Punishment of those who were taught secrets by the Watchers.
Enoch 68-69
Punishment described.
Several watchers named and their roles described.
Son of Man (Christ) to sit as their judge.
Enoch 86;88
Watchers as seen in a dream of Enoch's.
Enoch 90:21,24
Enoch sees the final punshment of the Watchers symbolicly in a dream.
Enoch 91:15
Enoch prophecies of the final punishment of the Watchers.
Noah was feared to have been fathered by the Watchers.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, "The Ages of the World", 4Q180, Frag. 1, Lines 7-10 and 4Q181, Frag. 2
Traditionally associated with the watchers.
Josephus, Antiquities, 1.3.1
Follows biblical account. LDS interpretation implicit. Links fallen angels with the time of Noah.
the Dead Sea Scrolls, 4Q227, "Enoch and the Watchers"